          明星- The Brightest "Yan.Ill.Bi.Lay" You want to be that brightest Star, you don't need to be that tallest, you have to be that thinnest-thin.nest. That means you have to have not only the lightest weight (That how you want to be that bright star, you must not wear "High Heel", if you do, you have no way to beat 買房子that smartest evilest prostitute "Chin.Load.Yan.G", because "Chin.Load.Yan.G" honestly "Mind.Sir.Boot.Mind.Sheng"; that how any public office worker ever wearing high heel must be killed immediately. Because public office worker must not be all 酒店工作owed to wear Taiwanese "Moon.G", not mention to commit "Mind.Sir" "Lead.Y.Boot.1" crimes of lies.), but also the lightest nest (That how she can be good enough to beat that Chinese smartest evilest female dressed animal "Mind.Sir.Boot.Mind.Sheng"prostitute "Chin.Load. 婚禮佈置Yan.G". That how Jane Fonda failed to keep her brightness because her "Yan.Ill.Bi.Lay" mom did not afford to have that lighest nest, therefore, she has no way to break her mom's ceiling. That how "Yan.Ill.Bi.Lay" blood link only less evil option is be at self alone the rest of the lif 結婚e, not even to be "Yan.Ill.Bi.Lay" like their "Yan.Ill.Bi.Lay" parent or parents doing, because multiply criminal can only produce "1.Die.Boot.Rule.1.Die" to fall; "Yan.Ill.Bi.Lay" already the lowest, therefore, you are "Yan.Ill.Bi.Lay" multiplied crime scene, you can only hide inside your own parents hom 買房子e the entire your life. That how you know how to read and write, your only option to be better than your parents is to make sure you don't commit the multiply crime that your parents committed to given birth to you.) that only light enough to load the lightest yourself.Woman needs to know that man can taste your heart throu 太平洋房屋gh his sex drive; you lie, you must be distasteful; "Yan.Ill.Bi.Lay" is career liar, public female dressed animals like Hillary Clinton and Condi Rice are plain liars (Too suck to have honest eyes to see USA is the form made by pure White Man [You sucking non-pure White Man wants to take over this USA form, you should show you can have bigger form t 苗栗旅遊o eat this form of USA out Openly Hotly instead of committing the darkest crime to eat and finish USA invisibly. You shameless slaves Obama couple and you shameless White trash Bill Clinton Hillary Clinton Condi Rice dare commit your shameless cold cold hard immorally in front of the world wide eyes to eat and finish USA invisibly <That how you know how to kill, you have seo to do your duty to kill this form of USA lie openly to show the form of USA really gone>, you must be killed immediately.] only; too suck to have honest heart to read Bible teaching that woman is second to man, that all USA administration under White House must have to be subjected to that Bible that sworn in their elected USA President; too suck to have the honest guts to see 房屋二胎the tallest, the smartest, the biggest muscle, all God imaged man form.) , "Chin.Load.Yan.G" is whore, all distasteful, therefore, you know you are in that lie side, you must not ever have sex with any man, unless you are so desperate wanting that man to kill you or to leave you behind.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 住商房屋  .

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